Umm Pete? Yeah, you have something right....there......
We had the electrician come out and put power by the pond. While the ditch was being dug under the sidewalk for wires, a nest was found. What kind of nest you ask?
It was a big ball of salamanders. Plus two frogs. Ewww.
Farm man picked up a couple of colorful goldfish for the pond. I consider ourselves back in the pond business! Yay!!
We have been having such nice weather! I can't believe this is winter! Spring is right around the corner!
Yes, the back of the property is still a mess. But man, look at all the wood!
Slowly but surely we have been cutting and stacking, getting ready for next fall.
Here are my turkeys and some peeps. Notice anyone missing? I sold my whole flock of guineas! I am out of the guinea business. Maybe when we have the back cleaned up and more fencing put in, I will get some more. Just not right now. Did I tell you how quiet it has been in the back?
Tully loves playing outside. She is such a typical farm dog, tracking in mud, digging in the dirt by the pond, playing with the cats. She has a bit more energy then Pete and Molly. She has been such a joy!