Living The Country Life!!

Living The Country Life!!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy Memorial Day !

I hope everyone is having a great long weekend!  It has been nice not hearing the excavator or the logging trucks at 5 in the morning!  Even though tomorrow is a holiday, Mark will be here to start on some clean up.

At last count we were up to 43 logging truck loads!  And we aren't finished!  As you can see, I had Mark leave the two trees down in the front by the driveway.  They are called cathedral trees, and they are just so awesome that we wanted them left alone.  If they were rotted in any way, Mark would have taken them down.

It is pretty cool watching Mark load up the trucks...there is an art to it and it sure doesn't take very long before the load is whisked away!

Here is my view from my rocking chair on the front porch.  Mind you, I am not old enough to be sitting, rocking on the front porch.  I just thought I would give it a go to see how it will be when I am old enough.

Pete continues to take abuse from Tully.  I think bringing Tully home took 5 years off of Pete.

They play all the time, and Pete shows her how he makes his rounds around the yard.  

Nothing but sky!  We are loving the open spaces!  We decided at the last moment to keep the cedar tree behind the shop with the bee hive in it.  That tree gives so much shade to all my birds, and even when it rains, they are covered.

My other bees are doing good.  I just hope that they survive the winter.  I will have to get a feeder for them to get through the cold season, and hopefully things will be picking up for them next spring.

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